There are three types of applications in and that are Console Applications, Web Applications and Window Applications. Today we are talking about Window Applications. While developing Window Applications we need to remember the most import thing about the Window Applications work area. As we know that Window Applications or Window Projects run on the client system. and to run this projects on the client system we need to create a setup of the project. In this article we will discuss that how to build a setup project in ASP.NET. I have attached some screen shots that will help you to understand the process easily. We will proceed through step by step.
To build a setup project for any window application we must have an window application for that we want to create setup. Then we can follow the following steps:
Step 1: File Menu -> New -> Project
Step 2: From Other Project Types choose ‘Setup and Deployment’ and then select‘Setup Project’ and click on ‘OK’ button.
Step 3: Then again click on File Menu-> Add->Existing Project
Step 4: Choose the Window Application for that you want to create setup file.
Step 5: After adding the existing window project click on the Project from the Menu bar then add a project output.
Step 6: Select Primary Output and click on ‘Ok’ button.
Step 7: Again from the ‘Project’ from the Menu bar select the project properties
Step 8: Then click on the ‘Prerequisites…’
Step 9: Check the properties that you want to install on the client system when the setup project will installed on the client system. As well as choose the location from where do you want to download the properties.
Step 10: Build the solution to create a setup file.


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