10 Best HTML5 Audio Players

HTML5 is a language for creating and presenting content for the web. It is a revolutionary language that has totally changed how things were done before. It boasts some really awesome feature and one of the new HTML5 specification allows native audio streaming. So today we have a list of 10 Best HTML5 Audio Players. Check them out and pick the ones you like the best!


Speakker is one of the best media player in this list. Setting it up is really handy and it comes in two variations. It boasts really good customization options such as flexible dimensions, unlimited colors, etc. It is cross-browser compatible and even has a Flash fallback for older browsers. It also has two different button sets for light and dark themes.


audio.js is a really popular drop-in javascript library which lets you use HTML5′s

SoundManager 2

SoundManager 2
SoundManager 2 utilizes HTML5 and Flash. It offers reliable cross-platform audio under a single lightweight — only 10 kb — JavaScript API.
If you are curious to see what you can do with Sound Manager 2, then simply go to http://wheelsofsteel.net/ for a great demo.

MooTools HTML5 Audio Player

MooTools HTML5 Audio Player
MooTools HTML5 Audio Player is purely made with HTML5 and the Mootools JavaScript framework. This player works amazingly with all recent browsers.


This one is a really simple and handy jQuery plugin. It is an awesome tool which can play videos as well.

Universal HTML5 Audio Player

Universal HTML5 Audio Player
Universal HTML5 Audio Player is the only paid player in this list, but don’t worry, it is not very expensive and costs $5 only! This player works nicely and is quite feature rich. It has the ability of protecting your audio from being hijacked by utilizing a beep overlay, which proves to be an awesome solution for commercial uses.

Media Element

Media Element
This audio and video player has been written completely in HTML5 and CSS. Older browsers are supported by Custom Flash and Silverlight players that are similar to the HTML5 MediaElement API. Plugins for famous platforms like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla etc are also available.

Scott Andrew’s HTML5 audio player

Scott Andrew’s HTML5 audio player
Scott Andrew’s HTML5 audio player is really lightweight, but it works amazingly. It is a great audio player to use, especially when you are not very fond of playlists or any fancy effects.

HTML5 Audio Player Bookmarklet

HTML5 Audio Player Bookmarklet
HTML5 Audio Player Bookmarklet places an audio player to play linked audio files on a page. You can use it on any page that has links to downloadable audio files. It is a really nice tool for streaming audio instead of downloading it.


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