Top 5 Most Alcoholic Drinks (Cocktails)

5 Strongest Drinks Mixed Drink Recipes

#5: The Long Island Ice Tea.

This one is a classic. I can remember the first time a friend introduced me to this. After three I was laughing because they were so smooth then I stood up. Then something happened (obvious censoring) and everyone laughed at me for months after. Good times. The Long Island Ice Tea was long the king (queen?) of all strong alcoholic mixed drinks, and still deserves a place on the list.

Recipe: 1 shot of vodka, 1 shot of rum, 1 shot of gin, 1 shot of gin, 1 shot of triple sec,

1 lemon, coke.

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice add the spirits into the cocktail shaker. Squeeze a fresh lemon into the shaker as well. Put the lid on and shake, add to a tall glass then add lots of ice before slowly pouring the coke on top of the ice. Note: many bartenders will make a weaker version with only half a shot of each.

#4: Irish Car Bomb.

Many versions of this have a ½ shot of whiskey mixed with a ½ shot of Irish Cream instead of a shot of each. The Irish Car Bomb on this list has a shot of each.

Recipe: 1 shot of whiskey, 1 shot of Bailey's, 1 bottle Guinness.

Pour a bottle of Guinness into a glass, and pour in a shot of whiskey on top. Fill a shot glass full of Bailey's and drop it into the glass of Guinness and whiskey. When it starts to foam, chug it quickly. It will taste like chocolate milk, but if you wait too long it will curdle, that's why you need to chug. Because of this, a few of these can knock even the most experienced drinker on his back.

#3: Zombie.This is a modern classic. In a way, it's also the "I'm an experienced drinker," drink, because it's one of the least known of the majorly strong alcoholic drinks. A lot of tropical mixed drinks are sissy or girly, but the zombie is anything but.

Recipe: 1 shot of dark rum, 1 shot of white rum, 1 shot of spiced rum, ½ shot of brandy (apricot is a good choice), 1 dash sugar syrup, ½ shot lime juice, ½ shot pineapple juice.

Fill half a high ball glass with ice. Pour all the ingredients into the glass and stir well. Garnish with pineapple, lime slices, or mint leaves as you see fit.

#2: Adios Mother F*&%er!This drink is just as badass as the name indicates. Some recipes have lemonade instead of 7Up, but if you want maximum kick, you want the carbonation from the 7Up.

Recipe: ½ shot vodka, ½ shot rum, ½ shot tequila, ½ shot gin, ½ shot Blue Curacao, 2 shots sour mix, 2 shots 7UP.

Pour all the ingredients except for 7UP into a chilled glass already filled with ice cubes. Top it with 7UP and stir gently. A few of these will do the name of this drink proud.

#1: The Bastard Trilogy, aka "Bastard on the Beach."
Okay, this might be a little bit of a cheat since this is technically four drinks, but if you order one you have to go through the entire story: Suffering Bastard, Dying Bastard, Dead Bastard, Mai Tai (in heaven). Some people even say there's a fifth drink, that being a Gin Fizz to warm up, but that's new on me so that one stays optional. Going through the Bastards is hard enough.

Step 1: Suffering Bastard (2 options): Option A: 1 shot fresh lime juice, 4 shots chilled ginger ale, dash of angostura bitters, 1 shot rum (some have bourbon to start), 1 shot gin. Mix and shake ingredients, pour into a double old fashioned glass filled with ice, and garnish with mint sprig, an orange wheel, and a maraschino cherry & enjoy!

Option B: 3/4 oz Orange Curacao, 1.5 shots rum, 1 shot over proof rum, 1 shot fresh lime juice, 2 shots orange juice, ½ shot Orgeat Syrup.

Step 2: Dying Bastard Recipe: 1 shot brandy, 1 shot gin, 1 shot rum, ½ shot lime juice, 1 dash bitters, 1 shot Ginger Ale. Place all these ingredients in a high ball glass with ice and enjoy.

Step 3: Dead Bastard Recipe: 1 shot brandy, 1 shot bourbon, 1 shot gin, 1 shot rum, ½ shot lime juice, 1 dash bitters, 1 shot Ginger Ale. Mix in a tall glass over ice, stir, and enjoy it. At this point you should be really feeling it.

Step 4: Mai Tai Recipe: Assuming you aren't passed out or worshipping the porcelain goddess, the last part of the Bastard group is the Mai Tai. ½ shot triple sec, ½ shot dark rum, ½ shot Crème de Almond, 1 shot light rum, pineapple juice, sweet and sour mix. Serve in a Collins glass.

That's the "Bastard on the Beach" combination, and that's why this is overwhelmingly the number one spot. That's a lot of sugar, a lot of alcohol, a lot of carbonation. And they're pretty smooth for strong mixed drinks, so a lot of people tend to drink them way too fast.


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