50 Cups of Coffee : The Woes and Throes of Finding Mr Right by Khushnuma Daruwala

50 Cups of Coffee : The Woes and Throes of Finding Mr Right by Khushnuma Daruwala

A book about dating, relationships and modern day take on how to find Mr Right.

Khushnuma Daruwala makes it a succulent read making sure you eat up the pages as they come. It is not of a specific genre but keeps you interested throughout its pages. The literature and the presentation of the book itself tells you that you are going to enjoy it.

Looking at the name of the book it seems the book is only a read for women but all the men out there can read it and can learn from it as well. It is modern and connects with nuclear family aspects that are ever so seen in our day today life. For those readers who are orthodox and value the traditions this can be a very casual read, making sure not all the sentiments are hurt.

The book pin-points the search that every maturing girl takes in her journey of life while finding Mr Right and a guy who should accept her for being herself.

Give or take a few things \ aspects this is a fun read with simple and heart warming language. Modern day girls, guys, couples and even newly married's can connect on this enjoy it thoroughly.


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