Fables from India: A Collection of Short Stories by Uday Mane

Fables from India: A Collection of Short Stories by Uday Mane

A King’s negligence costs the Prince his eyes.
A farmer is torn between resurrecting his wife and upholding his duties.
A jester lives two lives – Masked for others. Unmasked for himself.
A magnificent tree bears fruits of different kinds, but the King wants it to be cut down to serve justice.
An orphan boy is in search of the world’s bestselling book.
A dog struggles to uncurl his tail.

Many other stories apart from the above.

Set in ancient times 22 short stories by Uday Mane keeps you guessing and takes you back to the young age. It reminds you of your childhood, your imagination is uplifted and refreshed all over again while reading the book. You are swept away in Kingdoms and Kings with all the Castles and Prince's, all these are lively and eccentric yet very close to your heart.

Uday Mane keeps you held in every story plot which is simple and straight-forward and with a twist that either makes you happy or surprises you. The writing is not complex and takes you close to mythology and makes you think for the characters in the storyline.

A good read for all ages and specially for teens and pre-teens.


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