Lemon And Lemon Juice - Health Benefits In High Uric Acid

Ailments can affect anyone anytime. Help is at hand just in your kitchen.
Our kitchen has numerous fruits,vegetables and herbs to offer,one of which is the freely available Lemon.
Lemons can be used in every season as it adapts its benefits to the changing season and keeps one free from seasonal afflictions.
Lemon juice has a high content of vitamin C and some vitamin B complex .
The best lemon is the one having thin skin. If warmed slightly before extracting juice, 3 times more juice can be extracted.

Health Benefits of Lemons

Juice of ripe lemons because of its sour taste improves the digestive system. It is light and easily digestible. It relieves stomach related problems and since it is cold by nature, it reduces heat in the body and this is why lemon juice with wateris given in summer. It helps in relieving constipation and the juice is applied externally for various skin related problems.
Lemon juice is good not only in treating wounds due to piles, and boils but expels intestinal worms as well. It is a potent help to treat Diabetes,Influenza and Coryza.
Lemon juice is extremely beneficial in combating Joint pains and Gout. Uric acid is constantly formed in the body and expelled through urine. It is a type of poison and the body needs to maintain a low level of uric acid.

Lemon Juice Benefits

In High Uric Acid Levels
If after a full night's sleep you feel lethargic and tired on getting up or you are feeling heat in the body, chances are that your uric acid levels in the body are high.
To reduce uric acid levels stop drinking tea and and start taking juice of 1 or 2 lemons in a glass of tepid or cool water, first thing in the morning on empty stomach. It will immediately act on the kidneys which will flush out the excess uric acid. Take this daily for some days, you will feel an enormous difference.
Incidentally, high uric acid levels is also one of the reasons for Gout.
In Headache
For headache due to heat , cut a lemon into 2 halves and warm these halves on fire one by one and give fomentation on the forehead with these warm lemon halves. It relieves headache instantly.

Make black tea and squeeze juice of 1 lemon in it and drink it hot. Relieves headache immediately.
In Dizziness
If you feel dizzy immediately after getting up from a sitting position or feel dizzy while walking, take juice of 1 lemon squeezed in a glass of water to which a spoon of candy sugar or crystalline sugar is added, first thing in the morning on empty stomach for some days.
In Nose Bleed
Make a paste of ground oats with lemon juice and apply on the fore head a few times. It stops nose bleed.
In Bleeding Gums
Gargle with water in which lemon juice has been mixed. Brush teeth with lemon juice and when thirsty drink water in which lemon juice has been added.In a week's time bleeding stops and the teeth will become stronger.
In Pyorrhoea
In a glass of water add juice of 2 or 3 lemons. Brush the teeth with this water 3 to 4 times a day. Apart from relief in pyorrhoea, it helps to tighten loose teeth and cleans dirty teeth.
In Throat Pain
Warm some lemon juice and add little honey to it. Lick this 3 times a day It's a boon in almost all diseases of the throat.
As a Tonic
Add juice of 1 lemon in a glass of hot water with a tsp of Honey. It gives one an instant energy boost.It also improves eyesight and removes mental tiredness.
In Anaemia
Add juice of 1 lemon to a glass of tomato juice.
In Digestive Problems
Take juice of 1 lemon in a glass of hot water 3 times a day In case of Indigestiom take a slice of lemon warm it then sprinkle salt on it and suck on it .It digests food.
In Constipation
Take juice of 1 lemon in a glass of hot water at bedtime.
To Grow Nails
In warm water add juice of 1 lemon and keep fingers dipped in this for 5 minutes.Then remove hands and immediately put hands in cold water.
To Harden Soft Nails
Apply lemon juice on nails.Let it dry, then wash.
In Hiccups
1 spoon lemon juice
1 spoon honey
add little rock salt
Lick this few times a day. It stops hiccups.
For Easy Childbirth
From 4 th month of pregnancy,take juice of 1 lemon in a glass of water to which add sugar to taste.
These are just a few amazing uses of lemons and I am sure this will be of practical use to readers of this article.


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