Lemon Law Buyback Vehicle

A Lemon Law Buyback Vehicle is a vehicle that has been reacquired by the vehicle manufacturer, on or after January 1, 1996, because of specified warranty defect(s). The vehicle must be registered in the manufacturer’s name prior to resale to a member of the public.

Manufacturer requirements

Upon reacquiring a vehicle because of specified warranty defect(s), the manufacturer must:

* Request that the Certificate of Title and Registration Certificate be marked “Lemon Law Buyback.”
* Title the vehicle in the manufacturer’s name.
* Attach a decal to the vehicle, which reads, “Lemon Law Buyback.” The decal will be affixed to the:
o Left door frame, or
o Frame of the major entry into the vehicle, such as the front right door frame of a motorhome, or
o Left side of a vehicle without doors, such as a motorcycle.

Additional requirements

When a warranty return vehicle is sold, the seller must notify the buyer/transferee on letter size paper of the following:

* The year, make, model, and vehicle identification number.
* The fact that the vehicle title is marked, "Lemon Law Buyback."
* The nature of each nonconformity reported by the vehicle's original buyer or lessee.
* Any repairs made to the vehicle in an attempt to correct each nonconformity.

How to determine if a vehicle was a Lemon Law Buyback

* Check for display of the decal described in the previous section.
* Look at the vehicle's Certificate of Title and registration to see if it contains the notation, "Lemon Law Buyback."
* Ask the dealer/seller if the vehicle was a Lemon Law Buyback. Law requires the dealer to disclose if it was.

What you need if you purchase a Lemon Law Buyback Vehicle

Prior to buying a Lemon Law Buyback Vehicle, you must be notified in writing by the seller of the nonconformities stated by the original owner.

If you decide to purchase the vehicle, the usual transfer documents and associated fees will be required. This includes the:

* Certificate of Title properly endorsed for transfer.
* Transfer fee.
* Sales/use tax, if applicable.
* Smog certification, if applicable.
* Odometer Disclosure Statement.

Renewal fees will be due if the application is presented within 30 days of the registration expiration date. Additional items and/or fees may be needed, based on the type of transfer application.

NOTE: For registration fees, see the brochure, Registration Related Fees (FFVR 34). Because fees are subject to change, visit our website at www.dmv.ca.gov for the most current information or call DMV toll free at 1-800-777-0133.

You may contact the DMV for the exact documents needed to complete your transaction.

Lemon Law - The Standard Reference Guide
The Lemon Law Bible: Everything the Smart Consumer Needs to Know About Automobile Law
The California Lemon Law: When Your New Vehicle Goes Sour 


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